Monday, February 14, 2011

This shocks me

I rather say that this saddens me. It builds up a heavy knot of sorrow in my stomach that makes me want to cry.

The subject of an anorexic young woman is what 'shocks' me.

The actualy painting is very nicely done, I do like the use of light and shadows which helps emphasize her pretruding bones.

The artist I couldn't find but I was set on using this image.

This inspires me

This painting "Cathy" by Andrew Newton inspires me because I really would love to attempt a close up, detailed painting of a face for my painting task.

The realistic lighting and intricate details make me feel determined to attempt such a challenge.

I also like how he has used different brushstrokes to show wrinkles which shows that whilst he is being extremely realistic there is still room for creativity.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is Appropriation

This photograph was taken by Mannie Garcia and it was appropriated by Shephard Fairey

This inspires me

'Faceless' was photographed and edited by an English Photographer, Lara Jade.

This photograph inspires me to be creative and innovative with my own photography. It also inspires me to learn to how to use photo shop to add another element to my own work.